17,6 x 22 cm / 7 x 8,5 in.
Hand-folded leporello in cardboard box, b&w offset print
Edition of 500.
Published in connection with the exhibition «border district» 
at Haugar Art Museum 2010.
ISBN: 978-82-303-1592-7

Read full text based work «Friedrich, you are being observed …» in English or Norwegian.

The photographs and the text based work «Friedrich, you are being observed …» unfold the story of Friedrich Jürgenson (1903 - 1987). While recording bird song at his summer house in 1959, Jürgenson claimed to have initiated communication with dead friends and relatives through his tape recorder. Jürgenson dedicated nearly 30 years of his life to making 10.000 hours of recordings. After reading one of Jürgensons books professor Raudive at Uppsala University conducted independent research on the «electronic voice phenomenon». With new recordings made under «strict laboratory conditions» Raudive concluded that there were indeed voices present on the tapes.

The text based work «Friedrich, you are being observed …» is a critical retelling of Jürgenson’s lifelong project, independent research on the voice phenomenon, it’s critics and public reception. In his own books Jürgenson makes vivid descriptions of the landscape where he made his initial recordings, the blossoming fruit trees, the birds, the moonlight on the linden trees. The photographs are made during a stay in Mölnbo, where Jürgenson’s summerhouse is located. 

Generously supported by Arts Council Norway and Norwegian Photography Fundhttp://www.espengleditsch.com/pdf/friedrich_eng.pdfhttp://www.espengleditsch.com/pdf/friedrich_no.pdfshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1
«Friedrich, you are being observed …»
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